Word list

This list explains what the bold words mean.

An icon of a community. Above is an accessibility icon.


When the community is accessible, it is easy to:

  • find and use services
  • understand and use information
  • move around.

A person with their hand raised to speak, standing in front of someone who looks upset. Above is a megaphone.


Advocates speak up for people with disability.

A photo of a group of people with a shared thought bubble.


Attitudes are what people think, feel and believe.

An icon of Australia's Disability Strategy.

Australia’s Disability Strategy (the Strategy)

The Strategy is a plan to support people with disability in all areas of their life.

A person holding their head while standing behind a barrier. Above is a cross icon.


A barrier is something that stops you from doing something you:

  • need to do
  • want to do.

A person in a wheelchair pointing at themselves. Above is a data icon and a research icon.


Data includes facts, information and records.

A woman in a high visibility vest giving a thumbs up and the dollar sign.


Employment means you:

  • have a job
  • go to work
  • get paid.

Two people agreeing about a document. Above is a grant icon.


A grant is money from the government for important work that helps others.

A person pointing at themselves. Above is a ticked box.


When you are independent, you can do things for yourself.

This includes making your own decisions.

A group of people, while above is a services icon.


Providers deliver services to people with disability.

A person walking on crutches. They have an arrow pointing to a briefcase with a tick on it.


Employment rehabilitation helps people return to work:

  • after an injury
  • if a disability affected how they work.

An icon of two people in front of a house. Above is an icon of a calendar with a week crossed out.


When someone takes a break from caring for someone with disability, it is called respite.

A person giving two thumbs up. Above is a standards icon.


Standards are rules about how to do things well.

You can:

  • meet standards
  • go above standards.

An icon of two hands shaking above a globe.

UN Convention

The UN Convention is an agreement between different countries.

It explains how people with disability should be treated fairly and equally.