How to tell us what you think

A group of people all saying something together. Above is an ideas icon.

We want to hear everyone’s ideas about how the new Act should work.

A lightbulb and a person pointing at you. Above the person is a change icon inside a speech bubble.

We want to find out what ideas you have.

This includes what you think needs to change.

Your ideas will help us understand:

A person pointing at themselves and raising their hand.

  • your experiences

A person supporting someone else to eat.

  • what services you need.

We want to hear from:

A group of people with disability giving thumbs up.

  • people with disability

A family of 2 parents and their 2 children.

  • families and carers.

3 people in front of a large building with a disability icon on it.

We also want to hear from disability organisations.

And we want to hear from:

A megaphone above an advocate supporting somone.

  • advocates – who speak up for people with disability

A services icon above a group of providers.

  • providers – who deliver services to people with disability.

A large document beneath a lightbulb inside a speech bubble.

In this paper we explain our ideas.

A person raising their hand beneath a question mark inside a speech bubble.

We also have some questions you can answer.

You can choose to answer:

  • all of the questions
  • some of the questions.

A website icon.

The questions are on our website.

A calendar that says '13 August 2023'.

Please tell us what you think by 13 August 2023.