Word list

This list explains what the bold words mean.

An accessibility icon above a group of people using a park.


When the community is accessible, it is easy to:

  • find and use services
  • understand and use information
  • move around.

A megaphone above an advocate supporting somone.


Advocates speak up for people with disability.

A document that says 'Australia's Disability Strategy'. The deocument also shows a disability icon.

Australia’s Disability Strategy

Australia’s Disability Strategy is a plan to support people with disability in all areas of their life.

A Code of Conduct document showing a list with ticks and crosses.

Code of Conduct

A Code of Conduct is a list of rules about how providers and workers should behave.

A person crossing their arms beneath a cross in a speech bubble.


When you make a complaint, you tell someone that something:

  • has gone wrong
  • isn’t working well.

A document showing a graph, a magnifying glass and a person giving a thumbs up.


Data includes facts, information and records.

A document that says 'Disability Support Pension'. The document also shows a dollar sign.

Disability Support Pension

The Disability Support Pension is a payment from the government to help with your day-to-day living costs.

A document that says 'Draft' and a change icon.


A draft is a document that isn’t finished.

Some things in a draft might change later.

Other people check a draft before they publish it.

A government building and a dollar sign.


Funding is money from the government that pays for services and supports.

2 people having a conversation. One person is in a wheelchair.

Lived experience of disability

If you have lived experience of disability, you:

  • have a disability
  • know what life can be like for people with disability
  • can tell your story to help others.

A minister behind a bench with a microphone.


A minister is a person who runs an area of government.

A person supporting someone else in front of a sign that says 'NDIS'.

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

The NDIS provides services and support to people with disability.

A lightbulb inside of a thought bubble and an importance icon.


Principles are important ideas we should always think about.

A locked padlock and an unlocked padlock above a person. The person is pointing to the locked padlock.


When you have privacy, you can choose:

  • what you want to keep safe and private
  • what other people can know about you.

A services icon above a group of providers.


Providers deliver services to people with disability.

A person relaxing on a couch with a cup of tea.


Respite is when someone takes a break from caring for someone with disability.

A group of people raising their hands and a set of justice scales.


Rights are rules about how people must treat you:

  • fairly
  • equally.

A standards document showing a list with ticks and a thumbs up.


Standards are rules about how to do things well.

You can:

  • meet standards
  • go above standards.

A handshake icon and a world icon.

UN Convention

The UN Convention is an agreement between different countries.

The UN Convention explains how people must treat people with disability:

  • fairly
  • equally.