We want to know what you think

A speech bubble above 3 people.

We heard from the community about what they thought should be in the new Act.

This happened between November 2022 and February 2023.

A person writing in a document.

We wrote a draft of the new Act based on what they told us.

A document that says 'Draft' and a change icon.

A draft is a document that isn’t finished.

Some things in a draft might change later.

Other people check a draft before they publish it.

A computer showing a document that says 'Draft'.

You can read the draft on our website.


How to tell us what you think

A thought bubble.

You can use our survey to tell us what you think about our draft of the new Act.

A person raising their hand beneath a question mark inside a speech bubble.

We also have some questions you can answer.

You can choose to answer:

  • all of the questions
  • some of the questions.

A law document that says 'Act', a change icon and a badge that says 'New'.

What you say will help us change the new Act.

A computer showing an online survey with a question mark.

You can find our survey online.


A website icon.

We also wrote an Easy Read paper to explain what we put in the draft.

You can find it on our website.


A calendar that says '13 August 2023'.

Please tell us what you think by 13 August 2023.