The Disability Royal Commission’s Final report

A calendar that reads '4 years' and an arrow pointing to the right.

The Disability Royal Commission ran for more than 4 years.

Now it has ended.

A problem icon and a magnifying glass.

A royal commission is how the government looks into a big problem.

It helps us find out:

A speech bubble with a cross inside.

  • what went wrong

A thumbs up next to an arrow pointing up.

  • how to make things better.

A document on a computer screen.

The Disability Royal Commission shared its Final report on 29 September 2023.

You can read it on the Disability Royal Commission website.

A volume document and the number 12.

The Final report is in 12 parts.

We call each part a volume.

The number 222 inside a speech bubble.

The Final report includes 222 recommendations.

A lightbulb next to a thumbs up.

Recommendations are ideas about how to make something better.

A volume document inside a speech bubble.

The Disability Royal Commission wrote A brief guide to the Final Report.

It explains what each volume is about.

A computer cursor.

You can find A brief guide to the final report on the Disability Royal Commission website.

A summary document.

The Final report also includes an executive summary.

The executive summary explains:

A volume document and a question mark.

  • what each volume is about

A lightbulb next to a thumbs up.

  • all of the recommendations.

A document on a computer screen.

You can find the executive summary on the Disability Royal Commission website.

What happens next

A map of Australia with a disability icon and a safety icon with a thumbs up inside it.

The Australian Government wants Australia to be safer for people with disability.

All parts of Australia will have to work together, including:

A Parliament House icon.

  • the Australian Government

A state and territory government building icon.

  • state and territory governments

3 people standing in front of an office building.

  • organisations

A provider helping someone else read a document.

  • providers.

Providers support people by delivering a service.

A plan document with a change icon.

The Australian Government will make a plan about what each part of the government should change.

A group of people working together around a table.

We want to work with people from the community to make this plan.